ArchLand.pngTransforming geometry with NTV2 files

After importing a shapefile, you can use an NTV2 file to transform geometry to a different coordinate system. NTV2 files (also called grid shift files), which are provided by some international governmental entities including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Canada, can be used to increase the precision when transforming geometry.

The NTV2 Transform command is available for Vectorworks Architect and Landmark software but is not present in those workspaces. It can be added to the Architect and Landmark workspaces (see Personalización de los espacios de trabajo).

To transform geometry using an NTV2 file:

Import the shapefile into the drawing.

Select the NTV2 Transform command from the workspace.

The NTV2 Transform dialog box opens. Select the state, file, and target CRS.

NTV2 files for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland are included with the Vectorworks product. Others can be purchased and added by the user. Click Add and specify a state and NTV2 file. Click Delete to remove any unnecessary state and NTV2 files.

Importing Shapefiles


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